Data Retention Policy - (Krisattva Pvt Ltd)

1. Purpose:

This policy outlines the guidelines follows regarding the retention, management, and disposal of data collected through our platform.

2. Scope:

This policy applies to all data generated or processed by, including client data, usage data, personal information, and any other data types stored on our platform.

3. Data Retention Principles:

4. Duration of Data Retention:

5. Data Disposal:

Upon the expiration of the retention period, data will be securely deleted or anonymized. Secure deletion ensures that data is irretrievable. Anonymization involves altering the data such that individual users cannot be readily identified.

6. Data Backup:

Backup copies of all data are retained for a period of 12 months. Backup data is subjected to the same security safeguards as primary data.

7. Special Circumstances:

In certain cases, due to legal claims or disputes, data retention may exceed the periods mentioned above. In such scenarios, the data will be retained until the claim or dispute is resolved.

8. User Rights:

Users have the right to request details of data retention pertaining to their data and can also request deletion of data in accordance with applicable laws.

9. Changes to this Policy: reserves the right to modify this Data Retention Policy at any time. Users will be notified of significant changes, and continued use of our platform indicates acceptance of the updated policy.

10. Contact:

For any queries regarding this policy or data retention practices, users can contact us at